петък, 3 юли 2015 г.

Сивамакс ваксина рак ( CimaVax-EGF )

Кубинската ваксина срещу рак на белия дроб в Сърбия

"Ваксина CimaVax-EGF не лекува рак на белите дробове, но Предотвратява рак метастази и го превръща в хронично заболяване," каза кубинският специалист, имунолог в Центъра по молекулярна имунология в Хавана, г-н Camilo Родригес.След лекцията си, която се проведе в Министерството на белодробни заболявания в Клиничен център по Сърбия, подчерта той Que в последните четири години Чуе ли са ваксините, използвани в Куба, около 3000 кубински пациенти са били лекувани с него."Има пациенти, които се повлияват от терапията с ваксина CimaVax-EGF, и тези, които не са отговорили на всички. Всички Que зависи от много фактори, но най-вече за биологията на тумора", каза Родригес, който е бил член на екипа, който патентова ваксината. Той добави, Que най-добри резултати се постигат при пациенти с дребноклетъчен карцином, където пациентите се очаква да живеят до пет години.В момента, в третата фаза на тестване на ваксина е в ход, който включва 405 пациенти. Друго проучване бе въведена, което включва 1800 пациенти. Документацията е подадена в Агенцията за лекарства и медицински устройства, за да импортирате ваксината в Сърбия преди регистрацията. Зоран Вуйович, директор на "VAMA" дружество, което представлява кубинската Центъра по молекулярна имунология в Хавана, където се провежда изпитването, заяви пред Танюг Que Сърбия резервирана 800 дози от ваксината."Досега 130 души, прилагани за лечение с тази ваксина, но ако ни е позволено да внасят, че ще е възможно да се осигури лечение на само 40 от тях, защото един пациент изисква 20 дози от този наркотик," каза г-н Вуйович. Той Que добавен в Куба тази ваксина струва около 6000 евро Que, а цената ще бъде същото в Сърбия, ако не и по-ниска.

* НЕ Е ЯСНО ДАЛИ ТЕЗИ 20 ДОЗИ,КОИТО СА НУЖНИ ЗА ЕДИН ПАЦИЕНТ СТРУВАТ 6000 ЕВРО ИЛИ ВСЯКА ЕДНА Е ПО ТОЛКОВА ,КОЕТО ПРАВИ СУМАТА ПОЧТИ НЕПОСИЛНА ЗА ПОВЕЧЕТО ПАЦИЕНТИ ОТ БЪЛГАРИЯ И ДР.  А самата себестойност е 1 долар ,информация тук http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2015/05/28/cuba-lung-cancer-vaccine-cimavax_n_7462172.html

  http://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/cancers-in-general/cancer-questions/can-you-tell-me-about-the-cimavax-lung-cancer-vaccine )

The Cuban lung cancer vaccine in Serbia

“Vaccine CimaVax-EGF does not cure lung cancer, but prevents the cancer metastasis and turns it into a chronic disease”, said Cuban specialist, an immunologist at the Centre for Molecular Immunology in Havana, Mr. Camilo Rodriguez.
After his lecture, which was held at the Department of Pulmonary Diseases at the Clinical Center of Serbia, he underlined that in the last four years that the vaccines were used in Cuba, about 3,000 Cuban patients were treated with it.
"There are patients who responded to the therapy with CimaVax-EGF vaccine, and those who have not responded at all. All of that depends on many factors, but primarily on the biology of the tumor", said Rodriguez, who was a member of the team which patented the vaccine. He added that the best results are achieved in patients with small-cell carcinoma, where the patients are expected to live up to five years.
Currently, the third phase of vaccine testing is underway, which includes 405 patients. Another study has been ongoing, which includes 1,800 patients. The documentation has been submitted to The Agency for Drugs and Medical Devices in order to import the vaccine to Serbia before registration. Zoran Vujović, director of "VAMA" company, which represents the Cuban Centre for Molecular Immunology in Havana where the test was performed, told Tanjug that Serbia booked 800 doses of this vaccine.
"So far, 130 people applied for the treatment with this vaccine, but if we are allowed to import it would possible to provide treatment for only 40 of them, because one patient requires 20 doses of this drug", Mr. Vujović said. He added that in Cuba this vaccine costs around 6,000 euros and that the price would be the same in Serbia, if not lower.




 Клинично развитие и перспективи на CIMAvax EGF, кубинска ваксина за лечение на рак на белия дроб не-дребноклетъчен карцином.  - медицинско проучване от NCBI

MEDICC Rev. 2010 Winter;12(1):17-23.

Clinical development and perspectives of CIMAvax EGF, Cuban vaccine for non-small-cell lung cancer therapy.



CIMAvax EGF is a therapeutic anticancer vaccine developed entirely in Cuba and licensed in Cuba for use in adult patients with stage IIIB/IV non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC). The vaccine is based on active immunotherapy by which an individual's immune response is manipulated to release its own effector antibodies (Abs) against the epidermal growth factor (EGF).


Review pre-clinical and clinical research conducted during development of CIMAvax EGF, primarily studies published by Cuban investigators in international peer-reviewed scientific journals. Methods An automated search for "vaccine" and "EGF" was conducted in PubMed, resulting in 17 articles published by Cuban authors between January 1, 1994 and September 30, 2009. Main findings were described and discussed, along with unpublished preliminary findings of an initial ongoing phase III clinical trial.


Articles reviewed describe five phase I/II and one phase II clinical trials conducted in Cuba in 1995-2005. A non-controlled 1995-1996 study resulted in the earliest published scientific evidence of the feasibility of inducing an immune response against autologous EGF in patients with different advanced stage tumors. Subsequent controlled, randomized trials included patients with advanced stage (IIIB/IV) NSCLC. The 2 and 3rd phase I/II trials differentiated immunized patients as poor antibody responders (PAR) and good antibody responders (GAR), according to their anti-EGF antibody response, and confirmed greater immunogenicity with Montanide ISA 51 adjuvant in the vaccine formulation, as well as the benefits of low-dose cyclophosphamide treatment 72 hours before the first immunization. The 4th phase I/II trial found increased immunogenicity with an increased dose divided in 2 anatomical sites and also established correlation between Ab titers, serum EGF concentration and length of survival. In the first 4 phase I/II trials and the phase II trial, vaccine was administered after chemotherapy (ChTVV schedule). In the 5th phase I/III trial, longer survival and increased immunogenicity were achieved using a VChTV schedule and dividing the vaccine dose in 4 anatomical sites. The phase II clinical trial confirmed results of earlier studies as well as the mild-to-moderate adverse event profile associated with CIMAvax EGF Longer survival was observed in all vaccinated patients compared to controls, and the difference was significant (p < 0.05) in the group aged <60 years.


CIMAvax EGF's benefits in earlier NSCLC stages and in other tumor locations, as well as in patients unfit for chemotherapy, need to be evaluated. Evidence of the vaccine's safety for chronic use also needs to be systemized.


 Racotumomab  - Друго име ,под което се среща ваксината - не е сигурен източникът 


Havana's Center for Molecular Immunology ( Център Хавана по молекулярна имунология )


Molecular Immunology Center
CIMAB S.A., 206 Street No. 1926, Atabey
Playa, La Havana City, Cuba
Tel.: (53 7) 2716275, (53 7)2715057
Fax: (53 7)2733509
Email: cimab@cim.sld.cu
Webmaster: admin@cimab.sld.cu

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